Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “werewolf”. I decided to do a silhouette drawing of Wile E. Coyote against the backdrop of a full moon!

I sketched out Wile E. Coyote and uploaded the image to my computer. I removed the background and painted the silhouette black. And I found the beautiful image of the full moon on the royalty-free website Pixabay.
Rain Frances Art For Kids! Witches Brew

On Rain Frances Art For Kids! I’m sharing “How To Draw A Witches Brew“!
Dinner Date: Butternut Squash Cheddar Cheese Pasta Sauce

This is a very delicious pasta sauce that you could easily make into a healthy mac and cheese! I have the written recipe in my recipe index and here is the link to the video instructions:
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That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “Pumpkin Patch”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2024.
If you’d like to share your post, just link up below! We’d love to see your foodie post and/or your art post! Remember, the weekly art prompt is optional, we’d love to see any art you’ve created!

Wile E. Coyote looks great as a werewolf, dear Rain! I dont’t have any werewolf for you, just bisons, owls and so on…
Hugs and all the best from Austria, Traude
Wiley looks like he is howling at the moon … great silhouette, Rain, and awesome moon background. And, I love Butternut squash and cheddar cheese. Will get the recipe and try it.
I am chasing my tail … so much to do and so little time to do it in. This seems to be the month of doctors appointments, vet appointments and flu shots (ugh). But I won’t complain because the weather is beautiful as are the fall colors. You must be loving the fall colors as you are surrounded by them. Maybe you could share some pictures? Stay well, my friend and love to all your fur babies …
Andrea @ From the Sol
Your Wile E. Werewolf rocks! And is so effective against that backdrop of the huge moon!
lots of howling from those werewolves
The squash and cheese pasta looks amazing and great Werewolf!