Art, Thursday Art and Dinner Date

Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Vampire

Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “Vampire”. Who better to don the cape and fangs than the Looney Tunes’ Tasmanian Devil?

I sketched out Taz, outlined him in ink then uploaded the image to my computer. I used my graphic design tablet to clean him up, add color and superimpose him on a royalty-free photo I found on Pixabay! I think he looks very scary!

Rain Frances Art For Kids! Ghost

For my kid’s art channel, I’m sharing my drawing lesson: How To Draw A Ghost!

Dinner Date: Canadian Thanksgiving

It was our Thanksgiving holiday this past weekend, and I made the usual fare!

Roasted chicken with homemade stuffing, using my No Knead Bread and chicken gravy.

Cauliflower gratin and mashed potatoes/carrots! I was going to make roasted potatoes and carrots, but mashed just feels right for Thanksgiving! Here’s my recipe for delicious mashed potatoes. I followed this recipe, and added carrots. I boiled the carrots for an hour to make sure they were nice and soft then put them through the blender to make sure they mashed really well.

This is a lovely, full-bodied red wine from Argentina. Went well with dinner.

This was my centerpiece! I knitted the pumpkins, here’s the pattern (I loosely followed it!) The author of the pattern uses knits and purls and it seems overly complicated. I just cast on 18 stitches with large needles and knit until I reached 4 inches. I followed her pattern from there and added some googly eyes and mouths from Dollar Store supplies. Very easy and festive! The other decorations you see on the table are also Dollar Store finds.

…and of course, the piece de resistance…the canned cranberry jelly!

I used to make cranberry sauce, but I have to say, nothing beats this canned stuff. And yes, this was my presentation. Class act! ☺

Of course, the fur-babies enjoyed a little Thanksgiving dinner too. The dogs got a bit of a mishmash while Baby Oscar the cat enjoyed the chicken!

I made the pumpkin pie and the rest of the sweets were store-bought. It was scrumptious and I’m still eating leftovers! Happy belated Thanksgiving to my Canadian friends!

For the pumpkin pie, I did something very different than I normally do. I accidentally picked up the pumpkin mix puree can instead of the pure pumpkin puree can. But I figured what the heck, lets go with it. All I added to the pumpkin mix was 1/3 cup of coconut milk. I used my homemade Easy Pie Crust and baked the pie for an hour at 350F. I let it cool a bit then put it in the fridge for a few hours. It turned out amazing!

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That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “Werewolf”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2024.

If you’d like to share your post, just link up below! We’d love to see your foodie post and/or your art post! Remember, the weekly art prompt is optional, we’d love to see any art you’ve created!


  1. Taz certainly is trying to be very scary and the ghost is so cute. Everything you made for Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious!! I am glad you had a great time.


  2. What a fierce and funny vampire! happy Thursday to ALL


  3. Thank you Rain Aloha

  4. Fabulous Vampire piece Rain! Your Thanksgiving dinner looks delicious!

  5. Love the Taz sketch and OMC, your Thanksgiving feast looks so delicious! I’m so ready to celebrate ours at the end of next month. With the way the days are melting away, it’ll be here lickity split. Have a good day, dear Rain!

  6. Your Taz looks terrific, Rain! And you picked the perfect background for his portrait. I love your little knitted pumpkins too. I always use canned cranberry sauce too (whole berry) but I’m hoity-toity and mash it up to disguise its tinned origins, LOL! But I like your OUT AND PROUD style!

  7. Oh, dear Rain, this Tasmanian devil looks completely different to the ones we saw in Tasmania, but it’s perfect for Halloween. And your Thanksgiving menu looks just wonderful and very tempting! I’m sure everyone enjoyed it, including the fur babies!
    All the best from Austria and lovely October days, Traude

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