Art, Thursday Art and Dinner Date

Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Peripheral Vision

Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “Peripheral Vision”. I took this photo of a squirrel at my feeder one winter morning and captured him winking at me! Okay, it’s probably due to snow and wind, but it still makes me feel special when I see him! ☺ I wonder what he sees in his peripheral vision?

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That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “Surfing”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2025.

If you’d like to share your post, just link up below! We’d love to see your foodie post and/or your art post! Remember, the weekly art prompt is optional, we’d love to see any art you’ve created!


  1. Louise (Fundy Blue)

    What a fabulous photo, Rain! The squirrel is darling! Take care, my friend!

  2. Awwwww, Mr Winky is so cute!

  3. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Aww that is a sweet picture.

    All the best Jan

  4. What a cute little friend you have there! Aloha!

  5. Fun take on peripheral vision Rain! Thanks for hosting.

  6. Such a sweet face!

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