Art, Thursday Art and Dinner Date

Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Mittens

Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “mittens”. Time sure does fly doesn’t it? I took this photo of Marlene and Jack back in the winter of 2018, sigh…I miss these two doggies so much.

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That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “City Streets”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2025.

If you’d like to share your post, just link up below! We’d love to see your foodie post and/or your art post! Remember, the weekly art prompt is optional, we’d love to see any art you’ve created!


  1. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    Aww sweet picture of Marlene and Jack … lovely memories.

    All the best Jan

  2. Louise (Fundy Blue)

    Marlene and Jack were special and wonderful friends to you, Rain! All the best!

  3. Thanks for sharing your treasures

  4. Your doggie mittens gave me a chuckle Rain!

  5. This was so clever for mittens. I understand these babies are gone and I feel your pain. I will work on my selections.

  6. I understand that you miss your two sweethearts, dear Rain. I feel the same way about my cats…
    All the best from Austria, Traude

  7. Time flies by… but missed means not forgotten. To wonderful memories.

  8. Happy Thursday and warm wishes


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