Food and Recipes, Sandwiches, Paninis and Burgers

Pinwheel Sandwiches

Pinwheel Sandwiches

Recipe by Rain Frances

This recipe makes 4 “rolls” of pinwheels. Two will have cream cheese with cherries; and two will have Cheez Whiz and pickles.


  • 16 slices very fresh sandwich bread (I use white)

  • 1 block (8 ounces) cream cheese (room temperature)

  • 1/2 cup Cheez Whiz (room temperature)

  • 16 Maraschino cherries (keep some cherry juice aside)

  • 4 sweet Gherkin pickles

Directions For Each “Roll”

  • Remove the crusts from the bread. For each pinwheel “roll”, you should end up with 4 squares of bread. Lay out the 4 pieces of bread end to end, overlapping about 1/2″. Press the overlap to pinch the pieces together. You will end up with a long narrow rectangle of bread for each roll. You need very fresh bread for this to work! Lay out the rectangles of bread with the short ends in front of you.
  • Spread a thin layer of the cream cheese on two rectangles of the bread; and a thin layer of Cheez Whiz on the other two rectangles of bread. Be sure the cheese goes to all outer edges. Drizzle some reserved cherry juice over the cream cheese rectangle for extra flavor.
  • Position cherries/gherkins tightly together on the bottom end of each rectangle, making sure they reach the outer edges. Use the cherries for the cream cheese pinwheel; and the pickles for the Cheez Whiz pinwheel.
  • Starting at the end with the cherries/gherkins, roll the rectangle up tightly (you want it to end up looking like a roll of paper towels); and wrap in plastic wrap. It’s very possible that the bread may open up where you pinched it together. NO WORRIES. Just keep rolling and it will come together in the end. Refrigerate at least 4 hours, but overnight is better.
  • When you’re ready to serve, carefully slice the rolls horizontally.

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