Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date (TADD)! This week’s optional art prompt is “Double”. Please feel free to join in!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Puzzle
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “Puzzles”. Please feel free to join in!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Bakery
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “Bakery”. Please feel free to join in!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Mouse
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional art prompt is “Mouse”. Please feel free to join in with your art or food post!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Arches
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! This week’s optional art prompt is “Arches”. Please feel free to join in!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Bench
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! This week’s optional art prompt is “bench”. Feel free to join in and share your blog post!
Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Herbs
Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Today’s optional prompt is herbs. My mint bed is being put to good use in mint juleps this week!