Art, Thursday Art and Dinner Date

Thursday Art and Dinner Date: Vincent Van Gogh

Welcome to Thursday Art and Dinner Date! This week’s optional art prompt is “Vincent Van Gogh”. Tweety Bird decided to follow in Van Gogh’s footsteps this week by painting some sunflowers.

As I usually do, I drew Tweety Bird in my sketchpad, took a photo and uploaded it to my computer. I added color with Photoshop and used a royalty-free background that I found on Pixabay.

From The Garden

Look at this lovely bunch of asparagus! My asparagus beds are thriving right now. I’ve already picked over 30 spears and there are so many more popping up every day!

Meeting Blogger Friends!

This past week I had the pleasure of meeting Dorothy and Patrick from The Frog and PenguINN blog! We have been Blogging pals for years and it was so nice to meet them! They were on one of their road trips and happened to be passing through my neck of the woods and we had a lovely afternoon together. Thanks Dorothy and Patrick! ♥

That’s all for now folks! Please join us again next Thursday for Thursday Art and Dinner Date! Next week’s optional art prompt is: “Squares”. If you’d like a heads-up, here is a list of all of the art prompts for 2024.

If you’d like to share your post, just link up below! We’d love to see your foodie post and/or your art post! Remember, the weekly art prompt is optional, we’d love to see any art you’ve created!

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  1. lowcarbdiabeticJan

    How lovely to meet up with blogger friends 🙂

    This time of year is definitely good for asparagus.

    All the best Jan

  2. It was wonderful to finally meet in person, Rain & we too enjoyed the all too brief meet up. Hope there will be a future one. ❤️

  3. Meeting blogfriends – I know it by experience – is such a lovely part of blogging. Your Foto is nice and I’m sure you had fun together.

    Wish you a very good week. Hugs by Heidrun

  4. Louise (Fundy Blue)

    Tweety Bird is delightful, Rain, and so is the photo of you with Dorothy and Patrick! I hope you enjoyed your delicious asparagus. Have a great week!

  5. Traude Rostrose

    Dear Rain, Tweety is an adorable and very talented successor to Vincent! I also really like green asparagus – unfortunately Mr Rustrose doesn’t like it, so I don’t grow any. But when we go to restaurants, I like to eat asparagus dishes there. How wonderful that you met blog friends. I love that too and managed to do it twice on our trip around the world 🙂 (By the way, Canada is on our list for our next big trip ;-)) All the best, Traude

    • Oh that’s too bad Traude that the mister doesn’t like asparagus. I made a delicious soup and I still have more to harvest today! Let me know by email when you plan for your Canada trip, if you’re close enough, maybe we can meet too!

  6. tomthebackroadtraller

    …asparagus is plentiful in our garden too. Enjoy your weekend.

  7. Tweety looks so engrossed in the work.
    So cute.
    Oh, asparagus–such a favourite here.
    Wonderful to meet blogging friends. Good for you, Rain.
    Thank you for hosting.

  8. Thanks for Tweety and asparagus

  9. Andrea @ From the Sol

    I love your Tweety … how do you know how to paint him from the back. And meeting with Blogger friends is the best. I met up with Stewart Monckton (Wild Bird Wednesday) in Australia and he was our guide for all the wonderful nature trips). I hope someday that will be me meeting you in Canada or in Chicago 🙂 You’re the best, Rain …

    Andrea @ From the Sol

  10. Soma @

    Wonderful to be able to meetup with blogger friends. Tweety made a very good decision of painting sunflowers. The asparagus looks amazing! Have a great week and thank you so much for hosting!


  11. Finally, a little bit of art to share. (Van Gogh might not approve but it felt good to hold a paint brush again!)

  12. Christine

    So glad you were able to meetup with old blogger friends! Love your Tweety Van Gogh and fresh asparagus is such a treat!

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